[arg_discuss] Rev Models for ARG´s

Karen Westerman karen.westerman at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 19:37:06 EST 2007

Hello everyone,

My name is Karen Westerman, I´m co-founder of a start-up company in
Mexico (Kimera Mobile -working title). We are developing a B2C with a
compelling story, an easy and interesting game-play.

Our business aproach is to get a sponsor to pay partially for
production costs and micropayments throu premiun sms. The reason is
that commercially ARG´s are still not profitable in other more
developed territories so it will be suicidal to do that approach for
obvious reasons.

My main issue is how to approach the sponsors w/o promising product
placement (since it´s mostly sms and i don´t want to spam my players)
but instead offering the following:

1. Access to a behavioral database w/ webographics & psychographics
which is sexy considering there is not such data in this country.

2. Access and exclusivity to a large entertainment-social community
(where they will be able to send updates on all entertainment issues
regarding music, pervasive games, etc, once the game is over) - which
i believe it can be a measurable asset to the sponsor being that they
can do branding to our cool community (without spamming or sending
unwanted messages about their product). What i mean is that the brand
can position itself like a cool brand to the target audience

3. The PR Impressions that will be created during the game about the
game not the brand (but at the end people know who is behing the

Does anyone know how I can measure this 3 features to make it
appealing to the sponsor?

Also, i´d love to hear some comments on our sponsor proposal

Any advice will be greatly appreciated

Karen Westerman
skype: karen.westermann

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