[arg_discuss] Fwd: ARG SIG in 2007

Andrea Phillips deusexmachinatio at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 13:40:54 EST 2007

I sent this a bit back, but I think it bounced (too... many...
email... addresses...). It's worth rekindling the discussion, so I'm

This is a great idea, Adam. We might even want to foster a scheduled
monthly chat among our members, participants willing. I suggest we
come back to this after we know how well this first chat works out.

I'm with Brooke on hating phones and finding text-based chat way more
scalable. Here's hoping we get enough people to make a voice
conference call ridiculously unmanageable. ;)

Nobody seems to be popping up with time or date suggestions - I know
we span a large number of time zones, at least from Britain to
California, and I suspect we have some of our ranks in Australia, as
well. Finding a convenient time for everybody is going to be tricky.

How about we try something like 10pm GMT/7pm EST/4pm PST? This would
make it 11am the next day, Sydney time, unless my google-fu has failed
me. This would work better, I imagine, on a Saturday/Sunday than any
other day...

On 1/2/07, Brooke Thompson <brooke at mirlandano.com> wrote:

> On 1/2/07, Hugh Davies <marcus.helm at gmail.com> wrote:

> >

> > I havnt used IRC before, just skype, but i will get it up and running and

> > will join in. How hard can it be.

> > hugh


> Assuming that the desire to use IRC holds up (which I'll voice my preference

> of as well)... it's not hard at all. You don't even need to download

> anything as there are web applets galore - both in java and cgi. The latter

> of which will get you around most (all?) firewalls and are what many IRC

> regulars use to connect to if work blocks irc ports.


> For a somewhat detailed walk-thru on connecting to chat-solutions (other

> networks would work as well, but not with the unfiction java applet that is

> listed there), check out this post on the unforums:

> http://forums.unfiction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=14144 Of course the

> channel name would change and will likely be announced closer to the date.




> On 1/2/07, Brian Clark <bclark at gmdstudios.com> wrote:

> > Downside of IRC (can you tell I've PMed?) is that it tends to produce

> > noisy

> > conversations full of short ideas and lacks the emotional nuance of voice

> > communications. Conversely, it's more difficult to filibuster and less

> > likely to succumb to the tyranny of the long-winded.


> Which would be true of any text based chat, including skype. And as a PM

> that's relied on IRC to facilitate weekly meetings across long distances, I

> find it to be more effective than conference calls in part because of the

> logs (no need to keep notes distracting you from the communication) and also

> because it does help the long-winded (often myself) to speak succinctly.

> Combine that with another communication/collaboration tool (wiki, forums,

> basecamp, email...) in order to enhance the discussions started in the chat.

> Really, this may be more that I hate phones than I like IRC - but I rarely

> find conference calls to be effective when the number of people in the call

> is greater than 3.


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