[arg_discuss] More Introductions

David Fono fono at dgp.toronto.edu
Mon Jan 8 04:14:09 EST 2007

Hi everyone! This seems like a good time to stop lurking (thanks Tony).

I'm a big fan of ARGs and I have been for a while. I've been keeping
track of the medium since ILB, but I've seriously started to play
within the last year. I'm interested in ARGs because they represent
an intersection of a variety of topics that are close to my heart:
game design, immersive storytelling, online cooperation and community
building. ARGs are like a dream nexus of everything that is wonderful.

Recently I was the founder and creator of Torgame, which was an
enormously huge team effort to apply ARGish principles to meatspace
in support of urban exploration. It practically killed me and now I'm
volunteering at a telecentre in rural Nigeria to chill out and take a
break. However, I am a sucker for punishment, and new projects are in
the works.

I've enjoyed the discussions on this list so far, and I look forward
to participating in future ones!

David Fono

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