[arg_discuss] ARG SIG in 2007
Paul Williams
paul at skenmy.com
Tue Jan 2 05:40:50 EST 2007
Being the IRC nerd I am I also "vote" for IRC. I have experience (and
also run my own IRC network) in getting things like webchats, logging,
inter-channel connections and whatnot setup. Most corporate firewalls
don't block packets, like you mention, but rather just the common ports
(6667, 6697, etc etc). A CGI:IRC program should be able to solve any
issues regarding not being able to access through a corporate firewall,
or even just a random port number being opened for client connections.
But this is all off-topic ;)
Being quite new to the SIG has left me somewhat on the outside of
things. I'm not a puppetmaster. I've only played (am playing) one ARG,
that is considered to be out of the ordinary for most ARGs. However, I
am all for getting involved in the development of ARGs - which is
probably why I haven't unsubscribed from this list yet. I'll be at the
chat to lend whatever it is I can to it. :-)
~ Paul Williams
Adam Martin wrote:
> On 31/12/06, Gupfee <gupfee at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would prefer an IRC chat, myself. Telechat has several problems
> Sorry for the confusion, but Skype was cited only for the
> chatroom-based messaging system part, not the voice part. Most of the
> IM systems these days have all the same features, Skype isn't really
> anything special, just a free cross-platform one that happens to be
> particularly good at punching through firewalls (e.g. the last place I
> worked blocked all outgoing and incomnig IRC traffic through
> packet-inspection, but skype went through fine - they had a corporate
> policy of not allowing any IRC in particular).
>> Can you tell I'm a fan of IRC? :) I know there are many of us who are
>> channel operators on chat-solutions.org, where most ARG-related chat
>> happens these days anyways, so if you want any help setting up a
>> channel or the like, please let me know. I'd be happy to help.
> Thanks, if everyone's happy with IRC that would be great.
> Adam
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