[arg_discuss] new researcher and educator listserv

Christy Dena cdena at cross-mediaentertainment.com
Sat Apr 28 22:27:14 EDT 2007

Hello All,

As many of you would be aware, I wrote the section on ARGs & Academia for
the whitepaper. Since I did that section there have been many other
researchers that have emerged and new ones that have started to look at the
area. There have also been many educators who have started looking at ARGs
as a pedagogical device for secondary and tertiary teaching and in the
public sector. Many have joined this list in the hope of some good
discussion and knowledge sharing. There hasn't been much conversation on
this list for some reason - I'm guilty of not participating in all the
researcher discussions too. But I do receive a lot of emails offlist from
researchers and educators wanting to talk further and gather information. It
is for this reason that I've started a new listserv for ARG researchers and
educators. Basically, I'm experimenting to see if a new list that is
dedicated to theoretical and pedagogical discussion will facilitate free
exchange. I hope the list is seen as being complementary to the current SIG
list and not a competitor since both can co-exist quite well. Indeed, the
fact that more specialised lists are needed is a sign that the area is
maturing. Hey, the new list may not even work as a conversation space
either...but I hope it does...because I'm keen to share and hear other
people's thoughts and knowledge. So, if anyone is interested in joining this
list feel free to signup. Also, non academics, designers etc are all welcome
to join! Anyone can join! In fact I sincerely hope you do, because
researchers and educators need the insights of those in the trenches and
researchers also want to output ideas that of value to designers. Here is
the link to sign up:


Also, please feel free to let me know your thoughts on the idea.


Christy Dena

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