[arg_discuss] Defining ARG's and the marketing effect

Michael Monello mike at haxan.com
Mon Jul 17 20:57:29 EDT 2006

As the ARG community works to define what is or is not an ARG, I've  
noticed major changes in the attitude towards ARGs by agencies and  
CMOs. When we pitched Sharp and Audi, we didn't really use the term  
"ARG" and it wasn't that well known. Now, it seems clients and  
agencies know the term ARG and more often than not they take an "I've  
seen that before, it's been done already" attitude.

What this means to me, is that marketing ARG's will likely be forced  
to constantly experiment outside the boundaries currently being  
defined as an ARG in order to stay relevant to their main source of  
funding. That's very strange to me coming from a film background,  
where the experimentation and boundary pushing comes from the indie  
filmmakers rather than the commercial side.


haxan | films | http://www.haxan.com

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