[arg_discuss] Whitepaper:What do you want? (call for ideas)

Colin Gehrig colin at colin.com.au
Thu Dec 14 00:44:26 EST 2006

Following on from some of the discussion on the whitepaper from Wendy
and Brian, I'd like to have a poll of sorts. In the interest of
producing a useable work product from this group I think it would be
best to see what is needed.

So: Tell me, what would your ultimate written reference/guide/whitepaper
be? What should the topic be? Do you need it for a marketing pitch, or
to get a grant, or something else? (Any other details i.e. "should be
less than 10 pages"?) Tell me whatever the critical details are to you.

Please reply to the list, or if you'd prefer, directly to my email
address. From there I will try to compile the results (anonymously) into
some sort of order and put it on the wiki. Hopefully that will provide a
basis for the direction of future whitepapers.

As a side benefit, hopefully this will show what people want from the
SIG, and help in developing some core values.

I look forward to hearing your replies (yes all 160 of you),


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