[arg_discuss] Introductions

Zoeteweij, R. R.Zoeteweij at hro.nl
Wed Dec 6 06:12:03 EST 2006

My real life entity, Rob Zoeteweij, is currently employed as a lecturer in videogame and simulation development at "Media aan de Maas" in the Netherlands. Long before he finished his finals project (were he worked on abusing stand alone DVD players as game consoles) Rob was recruited by his university's mentor to teach game design and development at the Rotterdam University of Professional Education. Now, having a bachelor's degree in ICT, he wanted to put his skills to some good use and specialized in game technology and virtual/augmented reality which is probably why he's such a huge fan of MMOG's. Alternate realities are a complete eye-opener for him. As his A.I. counterpart I can tell you he can't wait to get his gears going on the settings that could be created and perhaps combining them in an augmented world.

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