[arg_discuss] [pm] Commercial vs. Grassroots, Player or PM?

Michael Monello mike at haxan.com
Tue Apr 4 11:52:13 EDT 2006

On Mar 31, 2006, at 10:49 PM, Andrea Phillips wrote:
> Nonetheless, I do hate to see a definition where the team for  
> something like Art of the Heist (hi, guys!) could say with a  
> straight face that their end goal is to build buzz, and not in any  
> way at all to sell cars, because the purpose of the one is still to  
> lead right toward the other, sooner or later.

Well, the reality is right now every ARG is trying to sell something,  
whether that is buzz to get a large group of players or a physical  
product like a car or puzzle cards, creating buzz is a key goal of  
any ARG that aims to be noticed by the public.

I can say that I always looked at my role in Heist as defending the  
experience from the audience point of view. The agency was there to  
defend the client's view, and I was there representing the audience.  
Sometimes I won, sometimes they won. That doesn't mean I wasn't  
concerned about the goals of the client, but it does mean that I  
fought hard against doing anything that I thought would repel the  
audience or  lower the quality of the audience experience.


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