[arg_discuss] How long is your dev cycle?

Michael Monello mike at haxan.com
Thu Dec 22 08:36:56 EST 2005

On Dec 21, 2005, at 8:32 AM, Andrea Phillips wrote:
> It would be especially interesting to hear from grassroots teams  
> who are presumably working with a different set of time constraints.

I agree -- would love to hear from the grassroots teams on the list!

I think all of our development times so far can be characterized by  
the words "not enough." That is changing as there are more  
advertisers who want us to work on their campaigns we are able to be  
more selective about what we create.

The ARG project I'm on now has an excellent lead time. Before pre- 
production even starts, we'll be further along than we were on Audi  
and we'll have almost twice the pre-production time.

Whoever said it was a function of goals, size of team, and money was  
right. With proper funding you can build a team to launch a massively  
scaled ARG (say one that touches multiple media points) in as little  
as two months, but it isn't easy and it is much more about management  
than hands on creation.


haxan | films | http://www.haxan.com

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