[arg_discuss] [meta] Introductions

krystyn at glitterbook.com krystyn at glitterbook.com
Tue Dec 13 09:32:38 EST 2005

Hey there,

My name is Krystyn Wells, and I am part of the Karetao group which formed
during the Lockjaw game, which we launched in February of 2002.

Originally a Cloudmaker, I then became a Puppetmaster for two of the most
successful grassroots ARGs to date: the aforementioned Lockjaw, and Project Mu
(more commonly known as Metacortechs), the latter of which kept Matrix geeks
and ARGers alike hopping and scrambling during the last quarter of 2003.

I am also fairly active at the Unfiction forums, having acted as a moderator
for 2 high-profile games (ilovebees, Last Call Poker), and participating in
several others. It *appears* that I have a propensity for being stalked by
clowns and mimes in ARGs at live events.

Even though I am generally considered and billed as a writer for games, anyone
who's Puppetmastered a game can tell you that one quickly becomes a Jill of
all trades. I've provided web design, live in-game character chat, voice
acting, photography, illustration, geocaching, and not least of all,

I play video games, and love discussing game theory. I also enjoy meta
conversations as they relate to opening up the genre, rather than defining it.

As for long walks on the beach, I am still undecided.


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