[Coco] Away until April 12

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz dennis at maltedmedia.com
Fri Mar 14 09:38:51 EDT 2025


Again, thanks for asking.

There's a big collection of my compositions on YouTube:

Performances audio only are on SoundCloud:

I also published limited-edition CDs of my music (opera, ballet, 
electronic) but they're mostly sold out. Here's my home page:

All my scores can be downloaded from my website, and some are for sale 
on SheetMusicPlus and Flute World.

I'm pretty easy to find. I've had a web presence at maltedMedia since 
the mid-1990s, on Usenet before that, and all the way back to CompuServe 
when it started.

Okay, off to Bulgaria in two hours! See you, as they used to say, on the 
flip side.


On 2025-03-14 03:05, gene heskett wrote:
> On 3/13/25 22:05, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz via Coco wrote:
>> Thanks for asking!
>> You can follow me on Facebook. I also post less frequently to Bluesky 
>> and Instagram. (GoFundMe via Social media is where I raised the $7500 
>> to pay for this premiere!)
>> Dennis
> I've not had the opportunity to hear your work Dennis. I wish I could. 
> Another composer, Bob Van Der Pool, publishes his work on a cd which I 
> bought. I pull it out and play it occasionally, some of the sweetest 
> clarinet work I've heard. You might consider a similar adventure.
>> On 2025-03-13 14:54, Allen Huffman via Coco wrote:
>>>> On Mar 13, 2025, at 1:50 PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz via Coco 
>>>> <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
>>>> I will be away until April 12. I will try to do moderation from a 
>>>> distance, but I will be in Bulgaria for the premiere of my Symphony 
>>>> No. 4 and will be very busy.
>>> Where can we follow your adventures?
> Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.

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