[Coco] Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday March 13, 2025 @ 7:30PM Central

Jim Brain (GCCC President) president at glensideccc.com
Thu Mar 13 01:39:17 EDT 2025

    CoCoFEST! Main Hall almost Sold Out!

With less than 50 days remaining until our 2025 show, I see only 2 
unclaimed tables in our main exhibit hall. I think that pretty much says 
it all :-). It’s going to be a great show this year, and Grant assures 
me that our speaker lineup is progressing well. A point to note for 
2025, in case you didn’t notice. We’ve moved the show from Sat/Sun to 
Fri/Sat. Doing so assists those who need the bulk of Sunday for return 
travel arrangements. It’s an experiment, of a sort, so please let us 
know if you attend and have an opinion on it (did it help, hurt, doesn’t 
matter, etc.)

It’s probably also relevant to talk about the next month or two, since a 
few shows will be occurring in the next 60 days.

I’m not familiar with the Interim Computer Festival 
<https://sdf.org/icf/>, but it sounds like it’s the old VCF-PNW show 
that’s regrouping. I know we have some Pacific Northwest folks (Hi 
Mark!) in our midst, so if you’re also in the area, block out March 21-23.

One of the older (maybe oldest) multi-platform shows, VCF East 
<https://vcfed.org/events/vintage-computer-festival-east/>, kicks off 
April (April 4-6) at InfoAge in New Jersey. If you can make the trek, 
it’s a very impressive show as well as facility. The CoCo is 
represented, along with some of the other TRS-80 platforms, vying for 
attention alongside everything from the VAX to the Xerox Star. I try to 
attend with a table every other year (this one I’m sitting out), though 
I am confident some of our East Coast members will be there if you want 
to commune with other Glenside CoCo enthusiasts,

The following weekend, the Indianapolis Vintage Computer Club will host 
IndyClassic <https://indyclassic.org/>near the Indianapolis airport 
(April 12-13). I will be exhibiting at this show and would love for you 
to stop by and chat. I’d love to see more CoCo exhibits at this show, 
but I’ll ensure the platform and the club is represented.

And then, with 2 weeks to rest, it’s time to head to Wheaton for our 
show. I do hope you’re able to join us in person, as I do think that’s a 
preferred way to enjoy our show, but if not, I hope you can make it to 
one of the other shows and/or visit the fest online, as we’ll be 
streaming as in the past.

Please join us this Thursday. As is standard, We will open the call a 
bit early at 7PM for some discussion and to help anyone with “technical 

        To join the Meeting


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Passcode: GCCC

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Meeting ID: 827 9736 7585
Passcode: 686821
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdIAqFZbZR

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your 
calendar system.

For those unable to join us on Zoom or have prior commitments, we will 
livestream and have a replay available on our YouTube channel 
(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFk2dMxcjJcX2qbSqFHQMbA). Recently, 
Facebook has made it harder to stream to their platform, but I’ll keep 
trying to stream to our Facebook page 

Jim Brain, President
Glenside Color Computer Club (GCCC)
president at glensideccc.com

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