[Coco] Syscall to get the window screen and width

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Sat Mar 8 10:16:31 EST 2025

I won’t be able to give you a sample program until I have access to my computer later this morning, but I can say that you use a standard I/O path (input or output’s should be fine, so 0 or 1) to get the size of the current window your program is running on. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 8, 2025, at 8:19 AM, plt via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
> I am not sure if this will the screen width and length but can you provide
> a example of how to do the system call and get the return results please?
> How can you get the current window if /w1 or /w2?
> Chapter 9. System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual
> SS.ScSiz Returns the window or screen size
> Function Code $26
> Entry Conditions:
> A path number
> B $26
> Exit Conditions:
> X number of columns on screen/window
> Y number of rows on screen/window
> Error Output:
> CC carry set on error
> B error code, if any
> Chapter 9. System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual
> SS.ScSiz Returns the window or screen size
> Function Code $26
> Entry Conditions:
> A path number
> B $26
> Exit Conditions:
> X number of columns on screen/window
> Y number of rows on screen/window
> Error Output:
> CC carry set on error
> B error code, if any
> Additional Information:
> • Use this call to determine the size of an output screen. The values
> returned
> depend on the on device in use:
> ◦ For non-VTIO devices, the call returns the COL and ROW values in the
> device descriptor.
> ◦ For VTIO/CoVDG devices, the call returns the size of the window or
> screen in use by the specified device (32x16).
> ◦ For window devices, the call returns the size of the of the current
> working area of the window.
> • This call is handled by CoVDG, CoGrf/CoWin, SC6551, SC6850, S16550 (and
> any future serial port drivers).
> --
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