[Coco] Steve Bjork movie appearance research request.

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Thu Mar 6 17:58:47 EST 2025

I became friends with the late Steve Bjork waybackwhen, and would hang out with him on most of my work (and later, vacation) trips to southern California. He told some interesting stories.

Growing up near Hollywood, seeing movies being shot was just another drive to the office. Indeed, back then I’d be in Irvine, CA a few times a year for Microware and would usually pass at least one film shoot.

Steve said it was normal and you’d find alot of people that had been extras in movies around there. He mentioned he was an extra in some movies too. There are two I remember, and one we may be able to identify him.

1. Goonies. Steve was somewhere in the gaggle of reporters at the end of the movie. I remember seeing this movie a few years ago, and there seem to be a group that is around the main actors, and others on the sidelines. I *think* he may be in the gaggle because he said you could see his hand.

2. Rollercoaster. I actually remember seeing that on TV ages ago. It was filmed in the 70s (?) at Magic Mountain (which may or may not have been Six Flags at that point). Steve is an extra in a scene playing a ride operator at the coaster station. This is fitting, because one of his jobs he had back then was at Magic Mountain. I don’t know what all he did, but I know he worked on their steam train. He also worked at Disneyland on the Jungle Cruise.

I’d like to see if we could spot him in Rollercoaster, though I am not sure we’d recognize a young Steve Bjork.

Anyone want to try to find some screen shots? Apps like Hulu and Netflix won’t let me take screen shots (screen goes black) so I may resort to finding a YouTube copy or something.


		— A

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