[Coco] This did not work adding t2

Christopher R. Hawks chawks at dls.net
Mon Mar 3 16:57:29 EST 2025

On Mon, 3 Mar 2025 14:26:48 -0600
Allen Huffman via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:

> > On Mar 3, 2025, at 1:32 PM, plt via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > The two files got inserted but vcc is failing to reboot.
> I have never worked with VCC, so I will have to turn this over to
> others with more experience. If the goal is just to add the driver
> and descriptor to an existing boot that works, that should do it —
> unless it is the old Boot List Order Bug. That would make boot files
> “just not work” and no one understood why. You just had to move
> things around int he boot file until it started working. -- Allen


    I can't do anything about getting VB to talk Drivewire. (Since I
retired, Microsquat products are not allowed in my house, HI GENE !!!)

    Adding the driver and descriptor to an existing bootfile will not
allow Drivewire to use them. You should use one of the existing disks
from the NitrOS9 tree. (Like NOS9_6809_L2_v030300_coco3_rs232pak.dsk
for a CoCo 3,) The kernel (boot track) on these disks will load the
bootfile using drivewire (using the rs232 pack) and that bootfile will
do all its I/O  thru drivewire. Once you have that verified and
working, you can write the VB app to be a drivewire server.

    If you need specific VCC steps, I'm sure someone can provide

Christopher R. Hawks
You can't have everything.  Where would you put it?  -- Stephen Wright
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