[Coco] RS232 Pack and T2

David Ladd davidwladd at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 13:52:45 EST 2025

On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 12:47 PM Allen Huffman via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com>

> On Mar 2, 2025, at 10:30 PM, David Ladd via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> wrote:
> <cut>
> My understanding is that the T2 version is slower than the bitbanger, in
> this rare instance of bashing bits for one way traffic being able to go
> much faster than the hardware limits of the 6551. But does the 232 version
> use the undocumented 115200 baud rate (listed as 450 in the manual, if I
> recall?)

The DriveWire driver that uses the Deluxe RS232 Pak in fact does use the
full speed 115200baud mode and is in polled operation with RTS/CTS mode
with IRQ's turned off just like all other DriveWire drivers.  From what
testing I did in the past this did seem faster, plus smaller ammount of
code.  Plus this 115200 is usable on CoCo1,CoCo2, and Dragon's that might
be using a Deluxe RS232 Pak.

Plus if you are using slightly better model of the 6551A and replace the
crystal with one that is twice as fast, you can go 230400 as well. :D  I
have one running at that speed without problems.

> <cut>

David Ladd

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