[Coco] MM/1 monitor solutions?

gene heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Sun Mar 2 08:42:14 EST 2025

On 3/2/25 01:50, Allen Huffman via Coco wrote:
>> On Mar 2, 2025, at 12:04 AM, David Ladd via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
>> Robert, I myself may also try this.  I have a ViewSonic VS2447 that is on
>> my PC.  It is also FreeSync, but I don't have an ATI/AMD video card so
>> never used that part of its functions.
>> Now I am going to have to make me a DE-9 to DE-15 cable so I can try this
>> out for myself and see if my monitor supports this. :D
> I see this monitor, which has speakers, is available on Amazon for $99. If it works, I’ll snag one too!

I came across an rgb monitor from a grocery store checkout, a color lcd 
with a touch screen I never did see about using, but it worked on my 
coco3 until the caps in the coco3 died a decade back.  So there is 
another possible src for coco monitor.s.

I did verify the touch screen worked but never got around to decoding 
its data since my coco3 had a fully legit pc type serial mouse I wrote 
an os9 driver for. No spasticity, you got a click exactly where you 
clicked it. That driver is now part of nitrous9 level 2.

I went to amiga's because we used several of them them at the tv station 
where I was the Chief Engineer for gfx, then to linux in the later 90's, 
where I still am.  Now 90 yo, alone for 4+ years now, diabetic & all the 
bs that goes with that but I'm still here.

Messing around with highly modified 3d printers and cnc machinery I 
converted to cnc using linuxcnc these days. 3d printers can be a black 
hole sucking in money by the kilodollar.

Cnc'd machinery makes you write gcode, another language, but once 
written can make 100,000 copies a lot more quickly than you could 
standing there turning cranks.

Take care of #1everybody. Nobody else will do it for you. And I thank 
Dennis for this mailing list I'm still subbed to.

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.

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  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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  - Louis D. Brandeis

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