[Coco] Extracting OS-9/6809 .lzh files today?

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Sun Mar 2 01:12:32 EST 2025

I am trying to extract some OS-9/6809 .lzh files. On my Mac, I installed lha, but it gives me a checksum error on my files. It says:

"LHa: Error: Checksum error (LHarc file?)”

What will open these files?

Side note… the help for LHA mentions OSK:

allenh at Mac ALS copy % lha --help
LHarc    for UNIX  V 1.02  Copyright(C) 1989  Y.Tagawa
LHx      for MSDOS V C2.01 Copyright(C) 1990  H.Yoshizaki
LHx(arc) for OSK   V 2.01  Modified     1990  Momozou
LHa      for UNIX  V 1.00  Copyright(C) 1992  Masaru Oki
LHa      for UNIX  V 1.14  Modified     1995  Nobutaka Watazaki
LHa      for UNIX  V 1.14i Modified     2000  Tsugio Okamoto
LHA-PMA  for UNIX  V 2     PMA added    2000  Maarten ter Huurne
                   Autoconfiscated 2001-2008  Koji Arai
usage: lha [-]<commands>[<options>] [-<options> ...] archive_file [file...]

Allen Huffman - PO Box 7634 - Urbandale IA 50323 - 515-999-0227 (vmail/TXT only)
http://www.subethasoftware.com - https://www.facebook.com/subethasoftware

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