[Coco] I probably need some spare 6847's. Actually, I hope I do.

Juan Castro jccyc1965 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 13:55:58 EST 2025

OK, context. I got a cheap CP400 (CoCo 1 clone) in good condition, but when
turning on the screen is full of "?" characters. But, oddly, BASIC works.
You can type, say PLAY "ABC" blindly and play the notes. It's not a RAM
problem -- BASIC itself works, and the screen RAM can be POKE'd and PEEK'd
correctly. Like:


...and the note plays. Tested a bunch of addresses and values and it all
came OK, only the characters don't show on the screen. I get a screen full
of "?" of ochre blocks (depending on if what I POKE has bit 7 set.)

I'm willing to bet it's the 6847. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'd like to buy
some known good ones. Can be T1's even. Anyone has to sell and ships to

Juan Castro
Enviado do meu Olivetti Programma 101

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