[Coco] How to solder with not-so-steady hands?

Eric Kudzin knoppix1337 at yahoo.com
Thu May 16 15:46:34 EDT 2024

 I found NOT drinking a Redbull before you start soldering helps.

     On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 12:54:08 PM CDT, John Mark Mobley via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:  

I wanted to attach a through-hole 1/4 W resistor to an LED, but my hands are
not-so-steady anymore.

Idea 1:
Make a mechanical connection first with wire-wrap wire and then solder it.

Idea 2:
Tin the two parts and tack them together.
Make a mechanical connector with wire-wrap wire and then solder it.

Idea 3:
Tin the two parts and tack them together and you are done.

Idea 4:
Take an 8-inch length of wire-wrap wire and make a spring in the middle by
wrapping 3 turns around a toothpick.
Place the two parts in the spring and pull the wire tight.
Solder the parts together.

Now, how do you solve this problem?

John Mark Mobley

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