[Coco] Tandy Assembly 2024 -- September 27-29, 2024, Springfield, OH

John W. Linville linville at tuxdriver.com
Wed May 8 10:14:33 EDT 2024

CoCoFEST! is now past. But Tandy Assembly is still approaching!!

Whether your made it to CoCoFEST! or not this year or perhaps you
just prefer Ohio in the early Fall, we would love to have you come
and join our fun!  And if you are waiting to answer the summons of
the CoCo's Dark Lord...this is it!! ;-) ;-) ;-)

So, tidy-up your projects, prepare for Saturday night's Tandy trivia
competition,  and get ready to pad-out your collections during our
own Tandy collectors auction...

Tandy Assembly

Sep 27 - Sep 29, 2024

Springfield, OH


Please let us know if you have something to share!


John W. Linville		Someday the world will need a hero, and you
linville at tuxdriver.com			might be all we have.  Be ready.

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