[Coco] Countdown to CoCoFEST!… T-11 Months

Jim Brain (2022-23 GCCC President) president at glensideccc.com
Sun May 5 15:43:42 EDT 2024

By the time you view this, the crew will be disassembling their exhibits 
and packing for departure. It was a fun fest, a number of folks stopped 
me and commented how much they enjoyed the event.

Of course, the fest weekend would not be complete without some of the 
staples. Though it happened before the official start, the hotel managed 
to catch fire (a bit of it, anyway) and what appeared to be every fire 
department vehicle from the greater metropolitan Chicago area arrived. 
The fire fighters hacked part of the building away to stop the fire, 
started by some birds building a nest in a light enclosure:


And, no fest would be complete without the Saturday Jam session:




I am told the venue staff came in and “pointedly” closed the room doors 
when the jam got going. No one complained to me, though, so we’ll call 
it OK.

Numbers are still in flux, but it appears 117+ folks visited the show 
(that’s probably a bit conservative, as it’s based on those who filled 
out the door prize registration at the door), and the auction raise 
almost $5K. Thanks again to our generous attendees.

      Yes, Virginia, there will be a 33rd Annual Chicago CoCoFEST!

Though we won’t have a full business meeting this week, feel free to 
join our regular business meeting Zoom call this Thursday at 7:30PM, 
where I’ll share more fest statistics and we can discuss items of note 
and improvement suggestions.

CoCoFEST! Coordinator Grant says he’s going to bed now…

Jim Brain, 2023-24 President
Glenside Color Computer Club (GCCC)
president at glensideccc.com

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