[Coco] LWTOOLS for Raspberry Pi

johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 23:23:02 EDT 2024


LWASM is working on the Raspberry Pi!
Now perhaps I can build the one-bit CPU I have dreamed about for so long.

Thanks, Lost Wizard however you are!


assign_bit_address MACRO
\1      equ     \2*8+\3

load_bit_address MACRO
        ldx #\1/8
        ldb #\1&7

        pragma cescapes
        org $0800

Backspace equ 8

;Reserve variable space in RAM
temp    rmb 1
        assign_bit_address temp_bit_0,temp,0
        assign_bit_address temp_bit_1,temp,1
        assign_bit_address temp_bit_2,temp,2
        assign_bit_address temp_bit_3,temp,3
        assign_bit_address temp_bit_4,temp,4
        assign_bit_address temp_bit_5,temp,5
        assign_bit_address temp_bit_6,temp,6
        assign_bit_address temp_bit_7,temp,7

* Start... Main Control Section
Start   lda  #0         Print to screen
        sta  $006F      "
        load_bit_address temp_bit_0
        load_bit_address temp_bit_1
        ;jsr  Introduction

        end Start


-John Mark Mobley

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