[Coco] Glenside Color Computer Club, Inc. Business Meeting Report

johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 14:09:47 EDT 2024


We had 6 people at the meeting, so all is well! It was a good and productive

It is very important that we had this meeting as there were timely matters
that needed to be addressed.

Members in attendance: John Mark Mobley, Chris Hawks, Rich Bair, Tony
Podraza, Salvador Garcia, Carey Schug. Vice-President John Mark Mobley led
the meeting.

New Business

We received some information that a pile of hardware was in storage and we
could come get it. So Rich Bair agreed to look into this matter.

The next Glenside CCC Business Meeting is July 11, 2024, and I will likely
be out of town. Please mark your calendar and plan to be there. The world
needs you. This is an important work we are all doing.

John Mark Mobley
Glenside Color Computer Club, Inc. Vice-President

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