[Coco] Plain Old Telephone (POT) Public Branch Exchange (PBX)
dave at davebiz.com
dave at davebiz.com
Tue Feb 6 19:40:00 EST 2024
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to attend the ‘fest this year but there’s a fairly good likelihood I’ll be in Chicago sometime before then so if nothing else perhaps I can at least bring the PBX to you in advance.
-Dave Philipsen
> On Feb 6, 2024, at 10:44 AM, johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com wrote:
> Dave,
> Thank you! I got your email. I have been very tired. I am trying to get more sunlight, magnesium, and melatonin to help me sleep and feel better.
> I hope we all can build a system out of this. People can bring telephones, fax machines, terminals, modems, and bulletin board systems. If the bulletin board system has more than one input, then we make one input a serial to Wi-Fi so more people can join in.
> I would love to run a terminal program on my CoCo 3 connected to a Linux computer and run Python code.
> Even if the PBX does not work out this year, I am sure we can build an old-style manual telephone operator switchboard.
> I would like to see the serial to Wi-Fi gain traction, but we need some infrastructure to make it all come together. Like BBS, ssh, scp, FTP, Kermit, xmodem, ymodem, zmodem, print servers, and such.
> -John Mark Mobley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Coco <coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com> On Behalf Of dave--- via Coco
> Sent: Sunday, February 4, 2024 10:04 PM
> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Cc: dave at davebiz.com
> Subject: Re: [Coco] Plain Old Telephone (POT) Public Branch Exchange (PBX)
> John Mark,
> I received your message to me via private email and replied but perhaps your Gmail account is relegating my return emails to your spam folder. I haven’t received a response from you yet.
> I have some good news in that I have located the PBX you were looking for. It will connect 16 extensions to 6 external lines. Contact me here or try again via my email.
> -Dave Philipsen
>> On Jan 9, 2024, at 7:56 PM, John Mark Mobley via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> I have a table/booth at the 2024 CoCoFEST! See:
>> https://www.tandylist.com/
>> It is Table 38 and it is labeled Plain Old Telephone (POT) Public
>> Branch Exchange (PBX).
>> I hope to get a simple system of some kind working. Perhaps we can
>> build something simple and expand on it in future years.
>> I may be able to build a Phone Line Simulator
>> https://mumris.eu/SP2.htm
>> Internet Search: telephone line simulator DIY Internet Search:
>> Telephone simulator schematic Internet Search: Telephone line
>> simulator DIY schematic
>> I also hope to borrow a small PBX with something like 8 RJ11
>> extensions and
>> 2 outside lines.
>> We can run wires on the floor and hold them down with adhesive tape.
>> Or you can select a table close to me and just run the wire between or
>> under the tables. Be sure to bring a long enough wire. Or you can
>> bring something over to my table and hook it up for a time.
>> Write me and tell me if you need...
>> A dial tone, ring voltage, Touch-Tone, or pulse dialing.
>> An outside line.
>> Write me and tell me if you can bring a Bulletin Board System (or OS9
>> system, or Linux system) to a telephone modem, Wi-Fi, RS-232, telnet,
>> or ssh. Tell me if you can bring a FAX machine. Tell me if you can
>> bring a magicJack or some such thing. Tell me if you can bring a
>> Pocket Tone Dialer or Pocket Tone Dialer simulator. Tell me if you can
>> bring a telephone. You can bring a candlestick phone even if I can not get pulse dialing to work.
>> Tell me if you can bring a terminal, paper terminal, or set up your
>> Tandy Color Computer to be a terminal. Tell me if you can bring a POT
>> PBX. Tell me if you can bring a 300-baud modem or a 300/1200-baud modem.
>> Perhaps we can crowdfund the acquisition of a POT PBX for Glenside.
>> Do not be surprised if a magicJack can not reliably continue a
>> 300-baud connection for more than 3 minutes.
>> Perhaps I can do a
>> TI-Silent-700-direct-connect-modem-to-telephone-line-simulator-to-300-
>> baud modem-to-RS-232-to-ESP32-to-Wi-Fi-telnet-to-Linux
>> BASH-to-Python3-program.
>> Also, I would like to see 2 or more devices working over ethernet.
>> John Mark Mobley
>> --
>> Coco mailing list
>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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> --
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