[Coco] Where is The "Three Mugateers" Image address in ROM ?
coco at jechar.ca
coco at jechar.ca
Fri Apr 5 12:58:43 EDT 2024
I would like to know where The "Three Mugateers" Image is located in the
in Coco 3 Motherboard ROM.
As well as at what addresses the code that handles the Hard Reset that
displays this picture is located.
I was thinking that if you have a CoCo 3 with a socketed CPU as many do
thanks to the 6309 a board could be built
that masks out that portion of the Motherboard ROM, rather then just
putting a picture there there could be code
to allow custom code on flash memory to ran instead. The board should
also be able to act as the 2MB address enabling board compatible with
all or at least the major 2MB and maybe 8MB upgrades that already exist
and not
be physically in way of a GIME-X card.
It's uses could be onboard GAMES, DIAGNOSTICS, DRIVE WIRE CLIENT,
TESTING EXTENSIONS TO "Extended Color Basic" for
supporting the GIME-X and Drivewire" ect. For Example given 512K of
flash you could have sixteen banks of 32K with
a dedicated program in bank F that could load a rom image to any of the
fourteen banks 1 to E from any of
Floppy Drive (If Compatible Controller in Cartage Slot) , Drive Wire (
If Attached to a Drive Wire Server ) or Cassette Tape ( If you have a
compatible cassette player or PC sound card ).
Such a system would have the advantage of leaving the Cartridge Slot
In summary Bank 0 = Access to the systems menu through
[Ctrl][Alt][Reset] the menu lets you
0 to just do a normal reset.
F to access the READ ONLY utility menu for programing banks 1,2,3
... D,E
1 to E 14 programmable banks for whatever.
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