[Coco] Pepper Boards for sale.

Rocky Hill qbancoffee at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 17 16:07:57 EDT 2023

Hello everybody,
Some people have asked me about pepper board availability in last couple of months   but I haven't been around to be able to sell them. I have 10 boards in stock for anyone that wants.  For those that don't know, the pepper boards is a drop-in replacement for SC77526  SALT chip found in the CoCo 2 and 3. I have a webstore where you can order them from but the site is quirky and  the item quantities and picture don't sync up with the actual price, image and quantity. Here is the link.  

However, if you click on the pepper board image, the proper price, quantity and image do show up and you can even order from there but I think you'll be better off just asking for one via the contact form.    


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