[Coco] The Coco Nation News stories for Episode 308, April 8, 2023

Robert "Exile In Paradise" Murphey exile at weylan-yutani.com
Sun Apr 9 21:18:54 EDT 2023

The Coco Nation News stories for Episode 308, April 8, 2023
Collected by L. Curtis Boyle

Coco 1/2/3 (and multi-platform)
1) Bob over at his Youtube channel La Coco Strangiato posted a video
about using a SCART to HDMI converter, both for composite and RGB making
his own cables. Spoiler - his sub title (referring to RGB) is "How NOT to
make a cable"):

2) John Mark Mobley of Glenside posted a new page that he put up on the
Glenside website - CocoFest! Questions and Answers, which is meant for
people that are new to CocoFests and are wondering about what to bring,
general questions about the show, etc:

3) John Zizolfo has posted an updated text screen (and 64x32 SET/RESET
graphics) worksheets in Excel form to the Coco group on Facebook. This
covers Coco 1/2 and 3 text screen resolutions:

4) Robson Franca did an interesting video showing an oscilloscope rendering
all 4 voices in one of the Coco versions of the William Tell Overture. I am
not sure why, but it appears to be playing a bit muddier and lower pitch
than any of the versions that I have (and some individual voice pitches
are definitely off). Does anybody else agree?
His other video that he played through XRoar seems much closer:
(I should mention that both of these are based on the 16K version of <5
minutes. There is 32K version that includes more of the song and clocks
in around 9 minutes)

1) Robert Sieg posted another test map to see what his 192 tiles look like
and connect together for his game project "Pandemic". He also uploaded
a ZIP containing the picture, since Facebook drops the picture quality,
if you want to get the highest resolution:

2) David Mitchell posted a video showing a GFX demo type in that he ported
to the MC-10 from the Dragon (called Whirpool):

3) Dillon Teagan posted an MC-10 port of the Columbia Shuttle BASIC program
(that uses DRAW statements) that uses MCX BASIC, and even supports PMODE 4
if your MC-10 has been modified to have 8K RAM accessible by the VDG. In
the comments he shows a picture of it in PMODE 2, which is the highest
resolution that an MC-10 can get without hardware modifications (128x192x2):

Dragon 32/64
1) Pierre Dandumont on YouTube posted a video called "Data Record: Talk
to Me (flexidisc)/Mainframe (Dragon 32). It looks to be a kaleidoscope
type program with audio coming from tape, I think?

Game On news (all Coco related platforms):
1) Our very own Ken @ Canadian Retro Things put up a video playing the
current Game on Challenge, Arex by Adventure International, but he goes
in depth comparing the Coco 1/2 version and the Atari 400/800 version:

2) By fluke while going through *all* of 5&1/4" disks over the past 2
months to find programs missing on the archive (and on my site if they
are games), I chanced upon some of the disks that Harvey Brofman (author
of Dunkey Munkey and Starfire) had sent me some years ago. I had grabbed
stuff of his off of them already (including the Dunkey Munkey source code,
but since I had properly cleaned by real floppy drive this time around,
I managed to recover some other things too (including source code for
Starfire, now on my site and the archive) and their Screen-64 utility
(and source; I have to make a quick notes file on how to use it since I
don't have the manual). But like many of us, he had some disks with some
early (1983 or earlier) 3rd party games as well, and to my surprise, this
included 3 games from 1981 that I never though would be found, including 2
of very few (<10) machine language games for cassette that would run in a
4K Coco. This includes Space Intruders by Charles Forsythe from Adventure
International, and Gauntlet by Britt Monk (later sold by Avalon Hill):

3) Chronologically Gaming is approaching the end of 1981, just about
finished the "T" games that had no firm release date. His show yesterday
include Trek Adventure for the Coco (53:21 into Twitch version):

4) "The only way is OLED display" channel on YouTube has put up some more
Dragon gameplay videos, and I think this is the first time that they have
done long play videos... unfortunately, like the last few, they seem to
have a TV nearby turned up far higher than the game, so you may want to
mute it. Longplay videos this week include Rommel-3D, Boris the Bold,
Time Bandit and Screaming Abdabs:

5) Longplay Kingdom on YouTube put up a gameplay video of Bricks on
the MC-10:

6) I thought Jim Gerrie wouldn't have anything new to talk about this
week... and then he cranked out 4 videos this morning of stuff he ported
to the MC-10.
Caves1 originally by Dave Kaufman in 1973. It is said that "Hunt the Wumpus"
may have influencded this game, where you try to escape a tree shaped maze
vs. trying to kill something:
"Les Cavernes" was originally by Chalres Feydy in 1982, is a port from
the TRS-80 Pocket Computer to the MC-10. Jim mentions that is a hard
adventure game:
"Dungeons and Dragons" was originally by Peter Trefonas in 1980 and is a
mix of text adventure and RPG:
And lastly is "Dragon Dungeon" originally by Peter Goode in 1984, which
is a simple text based RPG:

7) David Mitchell also posted on his "Davy's Retro Corner" YouTube page a
quick game play video showing Breakthru, and Brickout type in game ported
from the Dragon to the MC-10 (Dragon User magazine March 1984 by Garry
Saunders originally):

Get connected with more of the CoCo, Dragon and MC-10 community here:

Please trim any replies to *just* the specific item replied to.

Robert "Exile In Paradise" Murphey <exile at weylan-yutani.com>
Weylan-Yutani Corporation

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