Bill Gunshannon bill.gunshannon at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 8 10:32:34 EDT 2023

On 4/7/2023 9:15 PM, Bruce W. Calkins via Coco wrote:
>>>      Simplest thing is to use HDBDOS (and SDC-DOS) AUTOEXEC.BAS 
>>> feature.
>>> A file named "AUTOEXEC.BAS" will automatically be run on power up.
>>> A simple:
>>> 10 DOS
>>> program will suffice.
>>>      See the respective manuals for locations and details..
>>>      Works for me.
>> Yeah, I knew about that. But I thought it would be cool to have a 
>> system that
>> didn't rely on BASIC  at all.
>> bill
> FWIW: The CoCo's CPU boots to whatever ROM is at the hard coded 
> startup address.  To bypass BASIC requires a custom ROM.  Decades back 
> there were kits to put OS-9 on ROM, but they left the market a LONG 
> time ago.

Most game ROMs bypass BASIC and jump into the game on startup.

I should be able to do the same thing with an OS9 boot rom.  I never

understood why that would not be popular, unless it required butchering

the COCO3 to accomplish it.  I don't see why that would be the case.  To

be honest, I don't see why there can't be a cartridge that actually runs

OS9 with all the basic stuff already embedded.  But I will be happy with

a boot cartridge for now.

I'll be honest.  I personally think the reason direct OS9 never caught on

was because most COCO users still play a lot of games and run BASIC

programs.  I was never interested in either on my COCO's.  I have used

OS9 since the original Level 1 release from Radio Shack and that is still

my only real interest.  I am also always on the lookout for other 6809

SBC's but they are extremely rare.  There were even 6809 based micros

for home and office use in the early days of the hobby but it doesn't seem

many (if any) have actually survived.


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