[Coco] Grant Searle's mini 6809 computer

Andrew keeper63 at cox.net
Fri Apr 7 02:02:25 EDT 2023

I found this; I seem to also recall something maybe on Ebay (but that 
may have been for a different SBC).

You can load the PCB in the editor without an account, and generate the 
files needed to upload to a PCB manufacturer:


...but here's the thing: You can also have the PCB fabbed by the company 
behind EasyEDA (min order 5 PCBs). It's one of the things that make this 
tool really nice.

But in order to do that, you'll need to set up a free account...

Of course, in theory, you should be able to print out the top and bottom 
layers and do some kind of DIY toner transfer or something...

Be sure to check out the extensive GitHub repo that goes with the board.

Andrew L. Ayers
Glendale, Arizona

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