[Coco] Reminder: End of Year Tandy Tidings! Tonight (12/30/2022) at 6:30PM Central

Jim Brain (2022-23 GCCC President) president at glensideccc.com
Fri Dec 30 03:31:08 EST 2022

    End of Year Tandy Tidings!

Calling all Tandy (and work-alike system) enthusiasts to join the 
Glenside group on December 30th to share stories while we sip from our 
favorite beverages and eat our favorite holiday treats!

If you currently own a classic Tandy system (or a Dragon or Alice or 
another work-alike), use an emulator, previously owned one and have fond 
memories, or just want to learn a bit about the folks who do, join us 
via Zoom the Friday evening before New years Eve. We’ll open the “doors” 
at *6:30PM Central *and stay as long as folks have stories to tell or 
anecdotes to share (or things to demo), or midnight, whichever comes 
first. As a virtual open house, drop by anytime and stay as long as you 
want. Bonus points for bringing and sharing your favorite beverage 
and/or holiday treat choice.

Why did you get interested in Tandy Radio Shack systems? What’s the 
coolest thing you’ve seen on the platform? 6803, 8085, Z-80, 6809, or 
68000? What’s the most interesting thing you’ve done with your Tandy? 
Join us and share!

*Please share on other Tandy-related or classic system groups.*

Topic: End of Year Tandy Tidings!
Time: Dec 30, 2022 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 0970 4633
+13126266799,,84409704633#,,,,/467768# US (Chicago) /

/+16465588656,,84409704633#,,,,/467768# US (New York)

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kbyf9XHdV6

Jim Brain, 2021-22 President
Glenside Color Computer Club (GCCC)
president at glensideccc.com

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