[Coco] French CoCo

mdj at bds-soft.com mdj at bds-soft.com
Fri Dec 2 14:54:38 EST 2022

Interestingly, while preparing to do some autoscan testing on the RF-to-HDMI converter, I happened to notice that my five RCA RT1970 19" HD Monitors (which I use on various Linux and Windows Machines with VGA or HDMI connections) also have screw-in (coaxial) RF Jacks. 

Since I have a pushin-to-coaxial adapter in my toolbox, I thought, "Why not?)

So, I hooked up one of my CoCo2's to the RF jack on one of the RT1970's

After switching the RT1970 to RF input, I ran its autoscan function and it found exactly one channel - Channel 3 !!! 

And it worked perfectly! Video and sound both !!!

Both of my models 26-3127 worked with the RT1970. My model 26-31278 did not. Whether that's due to the difference in the models, or whether the 26-31278 is simply defunct, I'm not sure. (I bought it, untested, at CoCoFest last year).

I got my RT1970's via Amazon, but they no longer have a page for it. I found a descriptive page on Walmart's site ( https://www.walmart.com/ip/RCA-19in-720p-60-Hz-HD-LED-TV/55540603 ) although they currently show "Out of Stock".

I found a similar (except 24" instead of 19") RCA RT2412-E monitor available on ebay at ( https://www.ebay.com/itm/203588848569?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D243940%26meid%3D8e0e6e53c3194bcbb06baf6ce440b00f%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D285041187098%26itm%3D203588848569%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuAspectsV202110NoVariantSeedKnnRecallV1%26brand%3DRCA&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A2035888485698e0e6e53c3194bcbb06baf6ce440b00f%7Cenc%3AAQAHAAABIMFr2e4EmAnM%252ByHZkULYKDIJ4L66fOjNL0iupgt%252BzO1%252F3AE1t3mNirUYB96NktMCicMagiS6mbeTl0xquGODv9nVDv3w4XQ05D%252BhQbOXU7AxUVvD4tSIPKbKpisATfOzz90P1ueXm9x%252F3GnTNuy8jjoFhAKwZKDjUDS0fJ%252BxDKrdeAj79DrKHNXZAu8TwJPOOKhSYlJH4OqlG50f%252BQsmEIdZ9TIyxXsaUCvEuyx4EjRe6Bak9wlqqbH6EtlEwIGangnp7%252BAcajS%252FFFO3R%252FafjOn8iEPplEHmbCPuXjHNCLOULIZvpIAFCkI5EMMCSOcJJeQ1FpUS15kNvHytA%252BM7B84mlqZ%252ByQWGT%252BDg0tnvQ6lfXsAo4OVaegp3cEC7fwXpvg%253D%253D%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675 ).

The RT2412 is also available new from ABT Electronics ( https://www.abt.com/RCA-24-720p-HD-LED-TV-RT2412/p/148996.html?camptype=cpcChicagoGoogleNonBrand&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4aacBhCUARIsAI55maHOZ0o14AMDPQCAKHc3R79_KP1yn4XDriZ6P-yDvUFl3mPgjVHEyEYaAvDxEALw_wcB ). That page also has a nice 4-minute video about video inputs. 

M. David Johnson
mdj at bds-soft.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Coco <coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com> On Behalf Of Bill Gunshannon via Coco
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2022 9:00 AM
To: coco at maltedmedia.com
Cc: Bill Gunshannon <bill.gunshannon at hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Coco] French CoCo

On 12/2/22 09:48, Patrick Ulland via Coco wrote:
> 'Can receive stable and reliable signals' might be concerning. But 
> manual selection is usually the fix?
> Luck to you.
> -ricku
> CoNect
> On 12/2/2022 8:35 AM, M. David Johnson via Coco wrote:
>> It says it can receive 251 channels, 47-870 MHz. Manually, I can 
>> change the channel as low as channel 1. I see that it does have 
>> automatic channel scanning. I've only tried manual channel selection.
>> I'll try the scanning later this morning. Thanks.
>> --
>> M. David Johnson
>> mdj at bds-soft.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Coco <coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com> On Behalf Of Stan 
>> Blazejewski via Coco
>> Sent: Friday, December 2, 2022 12:28 AM
>> To: M. David Johnson via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com>
>> Cc: Stan Blazejewski <stanblaz at optusnet.com.au>
>> Subject: Re: [Coco] French CoCo
>> Well, that's definitely an RF to HDMI converter.  Does it scan for 
>> channels or do you have to enter the channel number and then fine 
>> tune? Do you know what the channel coverage is?  I ask this because 
>> in Australia the CoCo's used channels 0 and 1 and some later 
>> equipment wouldn't tune down that low.
>> On 2/12/2022 5:03 pm, M. David Johnson via Coco wrote:
>>> There's one RF input and it accepts the standard CoCo video cable. 
>>> It's capable of changing channels with an external controller (a 
>>> "clicker" if yu will). The channel number appears on the screen. It 
>>> can als change between PAL and NTSC. I tried all three CoCos with 
>>> both channel 3 and 4 NTSC - nothing worked.
>>> I picked up the converter on Amazon. It’s a Bewinner unit (
>>> https://smile.amazon.com/Bewinner-All-Standard-Projectors-Multimedia-Engineering/dp/B07VQHZNNL/ref=sr_1_3?crid=K1GSFICLOIBF&keywords=rf+to+hdmi+converter&qid=1669960876&sprefix=rf+to+hdmi+converter%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-3 ).
>>> --
>>> M. David Johnson
>>> mdj at bds-soft.com
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Coco <coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com> On Behalf Of Stan 
>>> Blazejewski via Coco
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2022 11:56 PM
>>> To: M. David Johnson via Coco <coco at maltedmedia.com>
>>> Cc: Stan Blazejewski <stanblaz at optusnet.com.au>
>>> Subject: Re: [Coco] French CoCo
>>> An 'RF' to HDMI converter seems like a very strange device but if it 
>>> really is, it would need to be tuned into the RF channel that the 
>>> CoCo is producing and I would expect it to be putting out random 
>>> noise on the screen until it's tuned in.  (much like tuning in and 
>>> old analogue TV). I suspect what you really have is a analogue to 
>>> HDMI converter (quite common).  Can you describe what the input 
>>> connections look like (and how many)?
>>> On 2/12/2022 6:33 am, M. David Johnson via Coco wrote:
>>>> On a side note, I was under the impression that the video output on 
>>>> the CoCo 2 is straight RF.
>>>> I recently picked up an RF-to-HDMI converter to experiment with 
>>>> and, of course, the lashup produces no HDMI picture ☹
>>>> Could anybody point me towards what I'm likely to be missing here?

I have a similar device from many years ago with the same weird RF connector.  It was never able to see the COCO.  Of course, it also never received any over-the-air signals where I live or off the cable.  I suspect it is for a standard different from what we have in the US, probably whatever they use in China.


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