[Coco] Toolshed repository problem

Ed Orbea ed.orbea at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 21:11:59 EDT 2021

It appears that the "ecb_equates.asm" file in the cocoroms subdirectory of
the toolshed repo is missing.

Just for giggles and grins I decided to do a complete pull from the
toolshed repo and then build a hdbdos ROM image to burn to an eprom. The
goal was to fully test my eeprom burner (TL866CS) running in virtual box on
my Macbook

When I execute the make command, I get this error: make: *** No rule to
make target `../cocoroms/ecb_equates.asm', needed by `hdbsdc.rom'.  Stop.

WHen I check the on-line repo, the file is not there, so it is not a local
repository issue.

The pull command I am using is: hg clone
http://hg.code.sf.net/p/toolshed/code toolshed

Any help is appreciated

*Ed Orbea*
sent from a portable device

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