[Coco] EOU Beta6

tfadden t.fadden at cox.net
Fri Jan 1 15:18:34 EST 2021

You can only have 3 double sided drives attached.  It has always been 
that way. You can have 4 single sided drives.  I believe the drive 
select 4 line is used for switching sides on the double sided drives.


Tim Fadden
"Hey Schmidt, don't forget about the six P's.
Proper Preparation Prevents Piss-Poor Performance!"

------ Original Message ------
From: "rietveld rietveld" <rietveldh at hotmail.com>
To: "Coco mailing list ​" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: 1/1/2021 10:56:37 AM
Subject: [Coco] EOU Beta6

>I am still not able to load the Beta6 when I have 4 disk drives attached to the CoCo. I get a path not found error.  I am using two 40 track 5 1/4 drives, a 720 k 3 1/2 and a GOTEK.   I can have 2 drives(any combination) attached and still BOOt but 3 or more FAILS
>Any ideas?
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>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

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