[Coco] Re Label

coco at jechar.ca coco at jechar.ca
Sun Sep 20 19:41:15 EDT 2020

Sure that would be great and Toolshed will put it on the disk for me.

On 2020-09-19 12:06, Rick Ulland wrote:
> There is a 'label' command out there. I'm sure it's in one of the
> collections on the archive, but which? Another project coming on...
>  I can email you the label.ar file if you have a way to get that on an 
> os9 disk.
> -ricku
> On 9/19/20 6:55 AM, coco at jechar.ca wrote:
>>  Is there a command or utility that lets you change the label of a 
>> OS-9 disk wile keeping all files intact ?
>>  Charlie

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