[Coco] Run Time Error 203 "Illegal Mode"
Rick Ulland
rickulland1 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 18:19:33 EDT 2020
Just spitballin', I guess scheduling and would try eliminating the 3
sequential forks to shell. Don't touch, just delete the temp file from
inside B09 (DELETE "pathname"), and since 'ls' is an external program,
maybe waste a little time inside B09 so the SHELL lsĀ command can wrap
up and close the file before you OPEN read mode.
On 8/10/20 2:47 PM, Wayne Campbell wrote:
> There are a number of places where a 203 error could occur in this code,
> but none of them seems to be incorrect on the surface. If your module is
> small enough, and you can run it in the Basic09 editing environment, I
> suggest using TRON and TROFF and then stepping through the code to see what
> error gets generated on which line. In my experience, a system level error
> may not always be the exact error occurring, and it may be something that
> will fall under a Basic09 error code in debug mode.
> I'm not sure why you are using the touch command, unless it's just to make
> sure the file exists, but that has nothing to do with the error you are
> getting.
> Wayne
> The Structure of I-Code
> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/The_Structure_of_I-Code
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 12:34 PM <coco at jechar.ca> wrote:
>> On 2020-08-10 16:10, Wayne Campbell wrote:
>>> OK. I had to refresh my memory and make sure I was remembering the 203
>>> error correctly. 203 is an input/output error. Generally, it means you
>>> are
>>> attempting to operate in a file in a manner not consistent with the way
>>> you
>>> opened or created it. Usually, it means you are attempting to write to
>>> a
>>> read only file (:READ) or read from a write only file (:WRITE). If it
>>> isn't
>>> a file, then you are operating on a module as input that should be
>>> output
>>> or vice-versa.
>>> I agree with what Curtis wrote. You should provide some code here that
>>> can
>>> help us determine where the problem is occuring.
>>> Wayne
>>> On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 10:51 AM <coco at jechar.ca> wrote:
>>>> I have a basic09 module the source compiles fine but when
>>>> I try to run it it gives an error 203.
>>>> Not sure where to even start to figure out what's wrong.
>>>> Would anyone know what are the most common sources of a 203 error ?
>>>> Charlie
>>>> --
>>>> Coco mailing list
>>>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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>> The Code two related GOSUB subroutines.
>> (* Subroutines *)
>> 100 (* CAPS last setup tem-file *)
>> SHELL "touch /dd/TEMP/dirlist.tmp"
>> SHELL "del /dd/TEMP/dirlist.tmp"
>> SHELL "ls > /dd/TEMP/dirlist.tmp"
>> 200 (* CAPS last *)
>> GOSUB 100
>> OPEN #fp,"/dd/TEMP/dirlist.tmp":READ
>> READ #fp,line$
>> tc=ASC(MID$(line$,1,1))
>> cv=LEN(line$)
>> IF cv<25 THEN
>> IF tc<97 THEN
>> SHELL"RENAME "+line$+" zzz"+line$
>> CLOSE #fp
>> GOSUB 100
>> OPEN #fp,"/dd/TEMP/dirlist.tmp":READ
>> READ #fp,line$
>> c$=MID$(line$,1,3)
>> cv=LEN(line$)
>> IF c$="zzz" THEN
>> c$=RIGHT$(line$,(cv-3))
>> SHELL "RENAME "+line$+" "+c$
>> CLOSE #fp
>> --
>> Coco mailing list
>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
>> https://pairlist5.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
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