[Coco] Using Toolshed

Ed Orbea ed.orbea at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 20:11:52 EDT 2020

Try this: os9 format -t4340 "Phil.dsk"
It will make and format an OS9 virtual disk with the following attributes:

Format Summary


Geometry Data:

      Cylinders: 4340

          Heads: 1

  Sectors/track: 18

    Sector size: 256

Logical Data:

  Total sectors: 78120

  Size in bytes: 19998720

   Cluster size: 1

I use a similar command (in a custom makefile) to create a 131mb Nitros9
Disk that I use on my SDC
$(OS9FORMAT) -t28425 -q $@ -n"NitrOS-9/$(CPU) Level $(LEVEL)"

*Ed Orbea*
Retired in Nampa, ID

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