[Coco] Accessing Vsync & Hsync interrups from Nitros9

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Sat Apr 11 04:04:24 EDT 2020

For Walter Zambotti:

There is some documentation in the source code on the repository. Also, this doc here came with the original package:

VRN (VIRQ/RAM/NULL Driver) Documentation

Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 Bruce Isted

This program may be freely distributed as long as the copyright notice remains
intact and the source, binary, and documentation files are distributed

This program may not be sold for profit, individually or as part of a package
without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

Note:  Where the following text refers to "King's Quest III", the reader
should remember that whatever is said applies also to "Leisure Suit Larry",
another of Sierra's games for the CoCo 3.

This ARchive should contain the following files:
ftdd.asm   - OS-9/6809 assembly source for Ftdd.dd descriptor.
Ftdd.dd    - Replacement for Flight Simulator II "FTDD" device descriptor.
nil.asm    - OS-9/6809 assembly source for Nil.dd descriptor.
Nil.dd     - Replacement for NilDrv "Nil" device descriptor.
TstFS2     - Test program for Flight Simulator II type signals.
tstfs2.asm - OS-9/6809 assembly source for TstFS2 program.
TstKQ3     - Test program for King's Quest III type signals.
tstkq3.asm - OS-9/6809 assembly source for TstKQ3 program.
TstRAM     - Test program for King's Quest III type RAM allocation.
tstram.asm - OS-9/6809 assembly source for TstRAM program.
vi.asm     - OS-9/6809 assembly source for Vi.dd descriptor.
Vi.dd      - Replacement for King's Quest III "VI" device descriptor.
vrn.asm    - OS-9/6809 assembly source for VRN (VIRQ/RAM/NULL) driver.
Vrn.dr     - Replacement for AGIVIRQDr, FT, and NilDrv drivers.
vrn.doc    - This documentation file.
read.me    - A small information file that should be read first.

The general features of each section of the VRN driver are explained in the
"VRN (VIRQ/RAM/NULL Driver) Synopsis" section at the end of this documentation
file.  For more detail you'll have to consult the source file (vrn.asm).

The three test programs supplied (TstFS2, TstKQ3, and TstRAM) are intended to
both test the various functions of, and provide an example of how to interface
to, the VRN driver.

Using the test programs in combination with various other utilities we all
should have (KD's utils, etc.) gives us a pretty complete set of tools to test
VRN's features without requiring Flight Simulator II or King's Quest III.  Of
course, you can play the games if you want to!  I've had four copies of FS2
running simultaneously.  However, it's impossible to run more than one copy of
KQ3 at a time.  Running more than two FS2s plus one KQ3 is also too much, the
COCO can't keep up, and the stack (system, I think) overflows.

The TstFS2 program is used to test both standard FS2 and FS2+ VIRQ signals. 
It allows one parameter character.  If no parameters are given, then it
defaults to standard FS2 VIRQ mode.  If a parameter character is given, then
the ASCII value of that character is used as the signal code.  A special case
is the numeral "0", which sets up a "one-shot" VIRQ.  Pressing [.] (period)
will return the total VIRQs and signal count, while pressing [SPACEBAR] will
clear the FS2/FS2+ VIRQ while leaving the path open, and pressing [ENTER] will
terminate the program.

The TstKQ3 program is used to test KQ3 type signals.  It ignores parameters. 
It simply counts the signals received, and reports whenever the one byte
counter overflows (256 signals).  Pressing [SPACEBAR] will clear the KQ3 VIRQ
while leaving the path open, and pressing [ENTER] will terminate the program.

The TstRAM program will allocate from 1 to 9 RAM blocks.  It does nothing with
them, not even mapping them into its address space.  It allows one parameter
character from "0" to "9".  If no parameters are given, then it defaults to
one RAM block.  Pressing [SPACEBAR] will de-allocate the RAM block(s) while
leaving the path open, and pressing [ENTER] will terminate the program.

One thing that should be mentioned about the RAM allocation is that it simply
reserves the RAM blocks.  It's up to the user program to map the block(s) into
the user's address space.  Any number of RAM blocks may be reserved, up to the
total available.  It's possible for a program to reserve thirty or more
consecutive RAM blocks for data, and map/unmap them as required in whatever
chunks will fit in available user memory.  Another option is to open several
paths to a VRN descriptor, and allocate RAM block(s) for each path.  This
makes using large amounts of non-contiguous memory possible.

VRN (VIRQ/RAM/NULL Driver) Synopsis


Entry Conditions:
    DP = system direct page
    Y  = address of the device descriptor
    U  = address of the device memory area
    Note:  All device memory except V.PAGE and V.PORT has been cleared
           (zeroed) before the _Init_ routine is entered.

Exit Conditions:
    IRQ and VIRQ (repetetive one tick interval) polling table entries have
    been installed.

Error Conditions:
    CC = carry set
    B  = error code


Entry Conditions:
    DP = system direct page
    Y  = address of the path descriptor
    U  = address of the device memory area

Exit Conditions:
    No character is ever returned, _Read_ always exits with E$EOF error.

Error Conditions:
    CC = carry set
    B  = E$EOF


Entry Conditions:
    A  = character to write
    DP = system direct page
    Y  = address of the path descriptor
    U  = address of the device memory area

Exit Conditions:
    The character to write is ignored, _Write_ always exits without error.

Error Conditions:
    No error possible.


Entry Conditions:
    A  = get status call code
    DP = system direct page
    Y  = address of the path descriptor
    U  = address of the device memory area

Exit Conditions:
    Depends upon the call code.  See "Supported Calls" below for further
    information.  If the call code is not supported, _Get_Status_ exits
    with an E$UnkSvc error.

Error Conditions:
    CC = carry set
    B  = error code

Supported Calls:
    Code $01, SS.Ready
        Always exits with E$NotRdy (no data ready) error.
    Code $80, FS2 defined
        Returns VIRQ total counter MSBs in caller's R$X, LSBs in R$Y, and
        clears VIRQ total.  If entry for path is non-existant, exits with
        E$Unit error.
    Code $81, FS2 defined
        Returns signal total counter in caller's R$A and clears signal total. 
        If entry for path is non-existant, exits with E$Unit error.


Entry Conditions:
    A  = set status call code
    DP = system direct page
    Y  = address of the path descriptor
    U  = address of the device memory area

Exit Conditions:
    Depends upon the call code.  See "Supported Calls" below for further
    information.  If the call code is not supported, _Set_Status_ exits
    with an E$UnkSvc error.

Error Conditions:
    CC = carry set
    B  = error code

Supported Calls:
    Code $2A, SS.Close
        All KQ3 and FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entries for the closed path are cleared, and
        RAM block(s) allocated for the closed path are de-allocated.
    Code $81, FS2 defined
        If caller's R$Y LSB is not zero, an FS2 VIRQ entry for path is set. 
        Caller's R$X contains initial timer count and reset count.  The signal
        code to send is set to $80.  If R$X is zero then the VIRQ is a
        one-shot, and will not be repeated.  If entry for path already exists,
        it is replaced.  If no table entries are available, exits with
        E$DevBsy error.
        If caller's R$Y LSB is zero, then the FS2/FS2+ VIRQ entry for path is
        cleared.  If entry for path is non-existant and no table entries are
        available, exits with E$DevBsy error, otherwise exits without error.
    Code $C7, newly defined
        Sets FS2+ VIRQ entry for path.  Caller's R$X contains initial timer
        count, R$Y contains reset count, and R$U LSB contains signal code to
        send.  If R$Y is zero then the VIRQ is a one-shot, and will not be
        repeated.  If entry for path already exists, it is replaced.  If no
        table entries are available, exits with E$DevBsy error.
    Code $C8, KQ3 defined
        Sets KQ3 VIRQ entry for path.  If entry for path already exists, exits
        without error.  If no table entries are available, exits with E$DevBsy
    Code $C9, KQ3 defined
        Clears KQ3 VIRQ entry for path.  If non-existant, exits without error.
    Code $CA, KQ3 defined
        Allocates caller's R$X LSB number of consecutive RAM block(s) for path
        and returns starting block number in caller's R$X.   If RAM block(s)
        are already allocated for path, or if no table entries are available,
        exits with E$DevBsy error.
    Code $CB, KQ3 defined
        De-allocates RAM block(s) previously allocated for path.  If none were
        allocated, exits without error.


Entry Conditions:
    DP = system direct page
    U  = address of the device memory area

Exit Conditions:
    IRQ and VIRQ polling table entries have been removed.

Error Conditions:
    CC = carry set
    B  = error code


Entry Conditions:
    DP = system direct page
    U  = address of the device memory area

Exit Conditions:
    The VIRQ status flag has been cleared.  All KQ3 entries in the VIRQ tables
    have been signalled ($80).  All FS2/FS2+ entries in the VIRQ tables VIRQ
    total counters have been incremented, the VIRQ delay counters have been
    decremented, and if zero have been signalled (FS2 signal = $80, FS2+
    signal = user defined).  Each signalled FS2/FS2+ entry's signal total
    counter has been incremented.  If the signalled FS2/FS2+ entry's reset
    value is not zero then the counter is reset to the value, otherwise the
    FS2/FS2+ entry is cleared.  _IRQ_Service_ always exits without error.

Error Conditions:
    No error possible.

  Bruce Isted  90/11/29

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