[Coco] ansifront

Walter Zambotti zambotti at iinet.net.au
Tue Oct 22 01:17:07 EDT 2019

Hi guys


I am using cc2.5.2 (with a few tweeks added) and ansifront to compile some C
code and have began finding the pain of debugging.


The main issue is it is not possible to use to -c switch (which passes a
copy of the C code as assembler comments) with the ansifront.


It simply crashes processing the #6 comment lines as duplicates of code.


Without the original C source as a comment in the assembler I am guessing
where to set break points in the debugger.


Want I want to achieve is write a front end that takes the C commented
assembler output and symbol tables and
write a front end that controls "debug" to make it easier to debug C


This seems like a simple fix if I could get hold of the source code.


However Cato Vaughn has not released the code if I am not mistaken.


He does have a git hub presence assuming this is the same person.


Any ideas?



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