[Coco] Devastated. Long term OVCC project falls short

James Ross jrosslist at outlook.com
Tue Oct 8 15:00:46 EDT 2019

Joel Rees wrote:
> It's not even worth trying to optimize any Intel processor code at the
> assembler level, except for some minor in-lining.

I think there could be an exception for hobby projects.  If you're in it for the challenge or it's just a mountain you gotta climb, I say go for it.  However, I agree ... not worth it for real-world applications.  I would go a step further and say unless your writing drivers or system software, then forget C/C++ altogether -- do it in Java / C# or a plethora of others...  For emulation of 80's computers -- the difference between Java or C# and C/C++ is negligible. 


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