[Coco] NitrOS9 and 6309 code

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Fri May 31 21:43:34 EDT 2019

> On May 31, 2019, at 8:21 PM, L. Curtis Boyle <curtisboyle at sasktel.net> wrote:
> And it should report an error unique to that situation, so that the user immediately knows what is wrong. Not “Bad module header”, which covers multiple circumstances.

We can mirror what modern OS-9 does… If you try to load a 68K binary on a PowerPC machine, you get an error code. Let me see if I can figure what that is.

/sd02/USR/ALLENH $load oscom_386
load: can't load "oscom_386" - Error #000:205

/sd02/USR/ALLENH $load oscom_ppc
load: can't load "oscom_ppc" - Error #000:205

Error 205 is:

000:205 	E$BMID 	Bad module ID

This means that the Module ID at the start is bad or unrecognized. I guess this isn’t totally accurate, since the module type would be the same, and only the sub type is changed?

6809 and 6309 are different CPU types, so maybe it should be a different module ID value, like the other OS-9s do it. 

Actually, I wonder what happens if you try to load a 68040 module on a 68000. That’s what we need to look up. I have no way to do that currently.

Maybe a test with X86 is possible? Compile something targeting Pentium and see if it loads on x86?

		— Allen

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