[Coco] Access to OVCC source

phil pt ptaylor2446 at gmail.com
Wed May 29 20:25:20 EDT 2019

I would be more then happy to make it available on my web site.

On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 9:29 PM Walter Zambotti <zambotti at iinet.net.au>

> To all
> I have had requests for access to the OVCC source code.
> Which I am happy to provide to all.
> I need some advice.
> At the moment the git repo is hosted on github as a private repo and I have
> been giving access upon request.
> Lately I have been unable to do this because github will only allow 3
> collaborators on my free private account.
> So I need to make it public!
> I'm just not sure what the ramifications of that are.
> Ultimately I would like everyone to have view access but only allow
> collaborators to have modify access.
> If I make the repo public will this be the case?
> Walter
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