[Coco] Bit-Banger Serial as external console?

Stephen Pereira stephen.m.pereira.sr at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 19:02:30 EDT 2019

Hi Art,

I read the description for LOADM and it says that I can add an offset to where the program is supposed to load.

The program is supposed to load at $3F00.  I want it to load at $1900.

How do I specify a negative offset?  Is it simply -$2600?

So would the command be:




Thanks in advance, for all your attention and advice!

- - -
Stephen Pereira
Bedford, NH  03110

> On Mar 27, 2019, at 6:03 PM, Arthur Flexser <flexser at fiu.edu> wrote:
> If the code is position-independent, there's no need to reassemble it.
> Just load it in to wherever you want it using an offset, and resave it
> there.  For example, if it is currently at $3F00 and you want it at
> $2000, try LOADM"REMOTE",&H2000-&H3F00.
> Art

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