[Coco] NitrOS9 and 6309 code

Jeff Teunissen deek at d2dc.net
Sun Jun 2 04:51:59 EDT 2019

On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 10:11 PM Robert Gault <robert.gault at att.net> wrote:
> With a very cursory examination, it looks like L1413 and L14A3 are the locations to patch with
> checks for Obj6309 so:
> L1413  cmpa #$11
>         beq  L1413b
>         cmpa #$17
>         lbne L14D7
> L1413b leax >u00E3,u
> L14A3  cmpa #Prgrm+Objct
>         lbeq L15D7
>         cmpa #Prgrm+Obj6309
>         lbeq L15D7
>         cmpa #Data

Looks like that wasn't enough, but I did seem to fix it (at least on
my 6309 machine). I had to do a little funny business with the module
linking/loading as well, or the error 234 continued. The full diff
looks like:

--- a/level1/cmds/shellplus.asm
+++ b/level1/cmds/shellplus.asm
@@ -2873,14 +2873,19 @@ L13EF    leax  >u00E3,u
 L1400    leax  >u00E3,u
          stx   <u0004
-L1407    cmpa  #$51
-         bne   L1413
-         bsr   L13EF
-         lbcs  L162B
-         bra   L1427
-L1413    cmpa  #$11
-         lbne  L14D7
-         leax  >u00E3,u
+L1407    cmpa  #ShellSub+Objct Is it a shellsub mod?
+         bne   L1413          No, check for other types
+         bsr   L13EF          link/load shellsub file
+         lbcs  L162B          Error loading, bail out
+         bra   L1427          Call the module
+L1413    cmpa  #Prgrm+Objct   How about a program executable?
+         IFNE  H6309
+         beq   L1413a         Yes, it's a binary
+         cmpa  #Prgrm+Obj6309 What about a 6309 binary?
+         ENDC
+         lbne  L14D7          No, not an executable
+L1413a   leax  >u00E3,u
          stx   <u0010
          lbra  L15D7
 L1422    lbsr  L08CB
@@ -2975,6 +2980,10 @@ L1473    clra                 Wildcard NMLink
 * Not Shell or Shellsub module
 L14A3    cmpa  #Prgrm+Objct   ML program?
          lbeq  L15D7          Yes, skip ahead
+         IFNE  H6309
+         cmpa  #Prgrm+Obj6309 6309 program?
+         lbeq  L15D7          Yes, skip ahead
+         ENDC
          cmpa  #Data          Is it a data module?
          bne   L14D7          No, skip ahead
          inc   <u0060         Set flag - data module
@@ -3122,6 +3131,7 @@ L15BE    ldx   <u0008         Get ptr to start
of current group
 L15D5    stx   <u0004         Save ptr to module name to fork
 L15D7    ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module name to fork
          lda   #Prgrm+Objct
          IFGT  Level-1
          os9   F$NMLink       Get memory requirement stuff from it
@@ -3139,7 +3149,18 @@ L15D7    ldx   <u0004         Get ptr to module
name to fork
          tfr   u,y
          puls  u
+         IFNE  H6309
+         bcc   L15E5          Got it, continue
+L15d7r   cmpa  #Prgrm+Obj6309 Have we already tried 6309?
+         beq   L162B          Yes, give up
+         ldx   <u0004         Set up the final run through
+         lda   #Prgrm+Obj6309
+         bra   L15D7a         Now go back and try once more
+         ELSE
          bcs   L162B          Still couldn't get, can't fork
+         ENDC
          IFEQ  Level-1
          ldy   M$Mem,y

I might have missed something, but it seems to work now here.

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