[Coco] Basic 09 text display question. & Re: Other recent Basic09 questions

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Wed Jul 24 17:12:56 EDT 2019

The answer below from Curtis is perfect.

However, it seems from some of the recent questions on CoCoList, that more attention should be paid 
to the Tandy "OS-9 Level 2 Manual" which can be obtained at

There are many detailed examples of Basic09 programs including Syscall and the Technical Reference 
section describes among much more the use of SS.Palet.

L. Curtis Boyle wrote:
> That is a little more complicated; there is no display code (or gfx2 function) for that. For that, you have to do a GetStat system call, which will need the following code:
> TYPE registers=cc,a,b,dp:BYTE;x,y,u:INTEGER
> DIM regs:registers
> DIM curpalette(16):BYTE
> (* Standard output path we are using
> regs.a=1
> (* SS.Palet GetStat call #
> regs.b=$91
> (* Point to place to hold all 16 current palette register settings
> regs.x=ADDR(curpalette)
> RUN syscall($8d,regs)
> At this point curpallette(1) contains the current color in palette 0, curpallette(2) has color 1, etc. up to curpalette(16) has color 15.
> As Wayne Campbell mentioned before, if you do a BASE 0 at the beginning of your program, than arrays will be 0 to n-1 (vs. the default 1 to n), so you could then use curpalette(0) for palette 0. But be aware that all arrays in your program become base 0 if you do that).
> L. Curtis Boyle
> curtisboyle at sasktel.net

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