[Coco] Way Off Topic: Music for video

Salvador Garcia salvadorgarciav at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 27 15:23:57 EST 2019

Hi all. As very few of you may know, I belong to a robotics group in the Chicago area, affectionately called ChiBots. We participate in numerous educational events, such as Maker Faires, Science Days and STEM expos. We display our robots, and let everyone have hands-on experience with our interactive displays. I typically make videos of these events using free public domain music. In the last video I used a nice upbeat tune that I found on YouTube; however, the video got monetized, whatever that means. I used some else's music and apparently YouTube caught it.

Since reading posts here, I know that some of you are skilled in the art of composing and playing music. I would like to know whether it is possible that one or more could want to put together a tune for our videos. I'll include a link to the last video with the music that I found on YouTube so that you have an idea of what I am looking for. I don't want techno electronic music, but instead something that is upbeat and inspirational. The tune can be around 1 or 2 minutes and should be easy to loop, but I am open to other ideas.

I can go out and look for free music, but I wanted to ask here. I would like to promote your work, even if it is just to the 100 people that watch the video. Since we are just a group of people passionate about robots, we really can't pay professional services, but I would make sure that the composer's name is prominently displayed. Although this small project won't gain you viral fame or riches, hopefully you will find it interesting enough. Thanks for your time. Since this is WOT, a private reply is probably more appropriate. Salvador

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