[Coco] GCCC business meeting is September 13, 2018

Melanie and John Mark Mobley johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 23:06:47 EDT 2018

The Glenside Color Computer Club, Inc. business meeting is Thursday night at
7:30 PM Chicago time (Central Time) at the Schaumburg Township District Library.  (The library likely will not give us the room until 7:30, but we can begin to gather sooner.)  The date is 09-13-2018.
We have been assigned room number 5.
This room has a wide screen TV that will accept a VGA or HDMI input.
Google Map Location Link: https://goo.gl/maps/pkCiMmWZ9Ex
Library Link: http://schaumburglibrary.org/
Please send any agenda ideas to Tony Podraza, Rich Bair, and John Mark Mobley.
  Review the Constitution and By-laws before the meeting.  I think we have a vote concerning this. 
  Nominate Officers.  Ex: President, Vice President, Treasure, and Secretary.
  Vintage Computer Festival Midwest planning.
  Vintage Computer Festival Midwest donation.  Perhaps $50.00.  Donate things to the auction.
  How to do Election of officers using a secret ballot that will work for teleconferencing from almost anywhere in the world.
BlueJeans Video Conference - https://bluejeans.com/203539242
You can call in: Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (Global Numbers)
Meeting ID: 203 539 242
Room System: or bjn.vc
Feel free to log in early and test your system.
You can even run the BlueJeans software from a web browser.
John Mark Mobley

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