[Coco] Nitros9 EOU

Dave Philipsen dave at davebiz.com
Tue Sep 4 22:34:30 EDT 2018

Will you have it work the same as most Linux distros which give you the option of configuring booting into either text mode or gfx (or maybe it’s already set up that way, I haven’t tried it yet)?


> On Sep 4, 2018, at 9:19 PM, Bill Nobel <b_nobel at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I’ve decided to make it a 40x24 Graphic MultiVue App. for GShell.  Since we have setup EOU as a GUI based system.  It will be setup for choice by user based on the hardware they have.
> It will be released as a bootable disk that automatically starts into the editor, but will be installable as a standalone with it’s own installer onto whatever HD you have.  It also will have it’s own internal Database containing descriptions of each module as well as modifiable descriptors for Drives and terminals.  I expect it to be a multi disk application since I want it to cover ALL formations of the Coco 3.
> Bill Nobel
> b_nobel at hotmail.com<mailto:b_nobel at hotmail.com>
> On Sep 4, 2018, at 9:10 AM, L. Curtis Boyle <curtisboyle at sasktel.net<mailto:curtisboyle at sasktel.net>> wrote:
> Cool, Bill… I know a few others have started/attempted this (I even delved into it briefly back in the day), but it’s something that really needs to be done. You should check with Bill Pierce, because I think he had started one for use over drivewire. Is your utility going to be on a modern OS, or running from with NitrOS-9 itself (or both)?
> L. Curtis Boyle
> curtisboyle at sasktel.net<mailto:curtisboyle at sasktel.net>
> On Sep 3, 2018, at 9:38 PM, Bill Nobel <b_nobel at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Alex, Yes at the moment it’s only SDC & emulators.  I am currently acquiring a list of hardware for all Coco3’s.  I am going to make a EOU Boot editor that is hopefully easy to use.  You pick the hardware you have from a list and the program builds a boot for you.
> Bill Nobel
> b_nobel at hotmail.com<mailto:b_nobel at hotmail.com>
> On Sep 3, 2018, at 6:15 PM, coco at jechar.ca<mailto:coco at jechar.ca> wrote:
> Is CocoSDC an absolute requirement, I have a 2Meg Coco3 and a SuperIDE
> Hard Drive. I have been able to use the Drive Wire Boot version of
> Nitros 3.03 with my system. Is Nitros9 EOU a new Kernel and if so is
> a boot from Drive Wire Version planed or is it just some new modules
> and programs and configuration files that I could tack onto my existing
> system.
> On 2018-09-02 14:05, Alex Evans wrote:
> I figured out my problem was that my FTP client defaults to active mode.
> Switching to passive mode solved the problem.
> On Sun, Sep 2, 2018, 11:48 L. Curtis Boyle <curtisboyle at sasktel.net<mailto:curtisboyle at sasktel.net>> wrote:
> I have had a couple of reports of trouble accessing it (and others have
> had no problem). I will make a webpage download version later this week,
> that will hopefully let people get it that way as well (although that will
> only have the latest version, not the older ones for regression testing).
> If your email can handle large attachments (being gmail I am pretty sure
> it can), I can email it to you in the meantime. Did you want the 6809 or
> 6309 version?
> L. Curtis Boyle
> curtisboyle at sasktel.net<mailto:curtisboyle at sasktel.net>
> On Sep 2, 2018, at 11:16 AM, Alex Evans <varmfskii at gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried to access your ftp server, but after successfully logging in,
> commands generally return an error "500 I won't open a connection to <my
> local address> (only to <my wan address>)" apparently there is a problem
> caused by nat.
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