[Coco] Drivewire with RS232 pak

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Sun Oct 28 18:11:10 EDT 2018

On Sunday 28 October 2018 15:50:36 rietveld rietveld wrote:

> Is there a way to use the RS232 pak with DW instead of the bit banger
> port?
One probably could, but in comparison to DW, watching paint dry would be 
exciting. The stock pack has a top speed of 9600 baud, whereas DW can on 
late hardware useing the bit banger with a new opamp, run at 
200+kilobaud. There are hacks for the pack, but even then its slower.

It would take a new chip in a newly designed pack to match what DW does. 
And even then, something like a 16550 needs an i/o space 16 bytes wide.

> Sent from my BlackBerry

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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